The Shack
Opening times are mornings only from the 1st April – 26th May and 4th -24th September. Morning & Evenings from 27th May – 3rd September with evening take way and live music and quiz nights. In the mornings we cook local sausage, bacon and eggs, supply fresh milk and award winning coffee.
All our products are locally sourced and some award winning with meats for your bbq, dairy and daily fresh bread. Treat yourself to a cooked breakfast bap or fresh coffee or fill yourself up from the yummy takeaway evening menu after a day of exploring. Our amazing Pizza’s are cooked fresh with a variety of toppings or try our guests favourite fresh Italian herb chicken burger with fries.
We are licensed to sell alcohol and have a large range of chilled Beers and Wines. Not forgetting Cornish cider and Ale!!
We also stock Cornish jams, chutneys, cheeses and biscuits as well as other yummy Cornish fares to eat while you stay or take away as a gift. You’ll find a large range of Toiletries, Groceries and Toys, games and beach stuff everything for your perfect family day down at Crinnis Beach.